Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Microbial Fuel Cell: A Sustainable Threshold for Renewable Energy by Abdullah Al Moinee

Microbial Fuel Cell: A Sustainable Threshold for Renewable Energy 
Abdullah Al Moinee 

Environment, Energy, and Engineering can make the Earth Elegant together by dint of sustainable development. Sustainable development ensures the environmental safety to sustain the renewable energy. The world is on the verge of energy crisis, pollution, and environmental instability. Renewable energy source as alternative fuel is to be emerged and harnessed for the stability of climate and environment to deal with the descending level of existing sources. Production of electrical energy utilizing of microorganisms through Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) is one such renewable and sustainable technology that is considered to be one of the most efficient and carbon neutral energy sources. 

A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a bio-electrochemical device that harnesses the power of microbes (bacteria, algae, fungi etc.) during cellular respiration to convert organic substrates directly into electrical energy. Cellular respiration is a collection of metabolic reactions that cells use to convert nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which fuels cellular activity. At its core, the MFC is a fuel cell, which transforms chemical energy. into electricity using oxidation-reduction reactions. The key difference of course is in the name, microbial fuel cells rely on living biocatalysts to facilitate the movement of electrons throughout their systems instead of the traditional chemically catalyzed oxidation of a fuel cell at the anode and reduction at the cathode. 

In early Twentieth century botany professor at the University of Durham, M. C. Potter, first came up with the idea of using microbes to produce electricity in 1911. The overall reaction in MFC can be considered an exothermic redox reaction according to his idea. Potter managed to generate electricity from E.coli but the work received little coverage. While Potter succeeded in generating electricity from E. coli, his work went unnoticed for another two decades before Barnet Cohen created the first microbial half fuel cells in 1931. By connecting his half cells in series, he was able to generate a meager current of 2 milliamps. By 1999, researchers in South Korea discovered a MFC milestone. B.H. Kim et al developed the mediatorless MFC which greatly enhanced the MFC's commercial viability, by eliminating costly mediator chemicals required for electron transport. The principle of MFC is to collect the electrons released by bacteria as they respire. This leads to two types of MFCs: mediator and mediatorless. Prior to 1999, most MFCs required a mediator chemical to transfer electrons from the bacterial cells to the electrode. Mediators like neutral red, humic acid, thionine, methyl blue, and methyl viologen were expensive and often toxic, making the technology difficult to commercialize. Research performed by B. H. Kim et al in 1999 led to the development of a new type of MFC's mediatorless MFCs. The Fe (III) reducer Shewanella putrefaciens, unlike most MFC bacteria at the time, were electrochemically active. This bacteria had the ability to respire directly into the electrode under certain conditions by using the anode as an electron acceptor as part of its normal metabolic process. Bacteria that can transfer electrons extracellularly through their pili, are called exoelectrogens. 

The direct communication of exoelectrogens like Geobacter species that are capable of oxidizing organic compounds and their efficiency in transferring electrons to electrodes via highly conductive filaments were considered remarkable in MFC research Mixed bacterial cultures can produce power densities equal to pure cultures and gradual increases in power densities accelerated the research interest on MFCs. 

The most foreseeable application of an MFC is in waste water treatment. Microbes have affinity to sewage, and the conditions of a waste water treatment plant are ideal for the types of bacteria that can be used in an MFC. Exoelectrogens are more than vivacious to breakdown and metabolize the carbon rich sewage of a waste water stream to produce electrons that can stream into a cheap conductive carbon cloth anode. The electricity generated from the MFC also offsets the energy cost of operating the plant. As an additional fact, the bacteria eat a lot of the sludge normally present in waste water. Moreover , in another process of MFC, an anode coated in one type of bacteria performs the standard oxidation reaction converting dirty water into clean water while producing electricity. The electrons travel to the cathode where electrodes coated with a different type of bacteria convert electricity, hydrogen and carbon dioxide into pure methane fuel in a process called electromethanogenisis. The methane can be routed back to the plant to provide clean heat and energy. MFC's don't only have to be used for power generation, they can also be used as a convenient biosensor for waste water streams. As an added bonus, the MFC biosensors power themselves from the waste water stream. 

The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has a very different idea of how remotely operated vehicles could be powered in space, they have begun work on a prototype rover that is powered by the bacteria Geobacter sulfurreducens, an exoelectrogen with a pentient for breaking down metals. This bacteria was selected for its high energy density compared to lithium-ion power sources, and the overall resilience, ruggedness and longevity of the MFC it supports. The MFC would only be able to power low load devices such as the rover's electronics, sensors and control system. The battery or capacitor would be used for higher power loads, like locomotion or operation of a more power intensive scientific instrument. Since a rover spends a large amount of time stationary analysing samples, the MFC could be used to recharge the batteries or supercapacitors for the next heavy load. 

Heavy metals play a major role in several industrial, medical, and household applications. However, as constituents of effluents from many industries, heavy metals also pose a serious problem to the environment and public health due to their toxicity, bioaccumulation, and non-biodegradability. Conventional physical, chemical, and biological methodologies to treat wastewater containing heavy metals are energy-intensive and become ineffective if metals concentrations are below 1–100 mgL−1. Microbial fuel cells appear promising for wastewater treatment and metal recovery by bioelectrocatalysis because metal ions can be reduced and deposited by bacteria, algae, yeasts, and fungi. Interestingly, treatment of heavy metal-containing wastewater can be attempted in both anode and cathode chambers of microbial fuel cells removing and recovering the metals. 

MFC has been emerged as a promising, yet challenging technology to extract energy from different sources and turn them into electricity. Despite the rapid progress, there are some areas in which further research needs to be done to overcome the constraints associated with MFC. The major challenge in the application of MFCs is its low power density. Perhaps the most significant issue to deal with global market is to the successful commercialization to produce electricity at a sufficiently high rate to provide at least a significant portion of the power needs of a large wastewater facility.Though the electron transfer mechanism is understood in some bacteria, further research is needed to create genetically engineered strains to generate more current. It turns out that microbial fuel cells make an excellent introduction to the fields of microbiology, soil chemistry, and engineering. As our understanding of microbial metabolisms, genomics, and genetic modification deepens, better exoelectrogens are produced and new applications are discovered. Provided the biological under-standing increases, the electrochemical technology advances and the overall accessories of MFC construction and cost consideration for a large scale decrease, this technology might qualify as a new core technology for generating bioelectricity from biowaste in years to come to open a greener and sustainable threshold of renewable energy for the Earth. 

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